Global geopolitics and war game predictions

TIME:2023-10-09 22:53 SOURCE:网络


Global geopolitics and war game predictions

The evolution of global geopolitics and war predictions, and the emergence of the critical point of World War III

Russo-Ukrainian War: Day 591, Saturday, October 7, 2023

According to the comparison of war strength in the Russia-Ukraine war, the Ukrainian army should launch a major counterattack in the autumn of 2023. The war will end in September, but there is no expectation of a ceasefire. So what is the reason for the continued stalemate?

    Russia's war potential has been depleted, with weapons, logistical supplies, and conscription and mobilization all showing signs of weakness. According to this situation, it is expected that the war will end from September to November, and of course the Russian political system will become an empty shell or disintegrate. The fact that disintegration did not happen is not a good thing, because it heralds the coming of a big storm. Although the original communist camp has disintegrated, the successors still follow fundamentalist ideas and build on the strength of strong economies to cooperate with the original European and American Regime systems continue to confront each other, stemming from institutional and cultural battles.

    In 1945, the international order was established after the end of World War II. It has been in operation for 78 years. With the process of globalization, the formerly poor third world has gained the confidence to compete with developed countries in Europe and the United States due to rapid economic development. With economic development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards and cultural standards, social ideological trends have begun to develop in the direction of human civilization and freedom. The West has long established a scientific governance system in terms of human freedom, using laws and regulations to ensure the implementation and operation of this goal. The Eastern camp has been operating in feudal control of human freedom for thousands of years. Resource monopoly, unfair distribution of surplus value, and power rent-seeking have led Eastern people to yearn for the social system of Western civilization. It is this dream that has moved the interests of the ruling class. According to The genetic ordering of value distribution by the feudal ruling class is not allowed, so in order to protect the fruits of their plunder, the bureaucrats, bourgeoisie, and other wealthy classes hide their children and wealth in the cabinets of Western liberal power societies. However, under the influence of the Internet trend, ordinary people no longer wanted to be slaughtered and began to resist.

    The outbreak of the epidemic in 2019 became an inflection point in this new direction, that is, they awakened under irrational control, resulting in the ruling class having to pay a huge price for stable governance in order to achieve stability.

    The Russia-Ukraine war will break out in 2021. In fact, before the epidemic began in 2019, the Sino-US trade war had already begun during the Trump era. Logically speaking, this world war is a process of gradual escalation. The Russo-Ukrainian War, with the support of NATO and the United States, pitted Ukraine against Russia in the eastern region of Ukraine. According to the strategic plan of Europe and the United States, the war should be over, and Russia will end in defeat. This is an outcome that China, North Korea, and Iran do not want to see, and a new round of geopolitical power division will appear again. However, China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and cannot directly send troops to intervene. The United States cannot send troops either, so each has to look after its own allies behind the scenes. Despite strong support for Russian war materials, failure was inevitable.

    Strategically, the forces of Europe and the United States should be dispersed to reduce military pressure on Russia. How? It is very strange that on October 17th, Palestine suddenly launched a large-scale attack on Israel the next day. Israel is a global military power and the dominant player in the Middle East. There have been several Palestinian-Israeli wars in the past few decades. Palestine and Israel have always been at odds over ethnic and religious issues in the Middle East. The confrontation never stopped. Where did the Palestinian leader Hamas get the confidence to suddenly launch a large-scale attack, causing the paralysis of various mechanisms in Israel, especially the intelligence and air defense systems. The prevention and control system "Iron Dome" was covered by rockets several times larger than the defense system, and the "Iron Dome" interception failed. In China's Liberation War, this style of play called concentrating several times the enemy's forces to annihilate them one after another. On the Mediterranean coast, Bashar al-Assad in Syria and Hamas in Palestine all started out in the same way and were designated as terrorist organizations by the United States and imposed sanctions. Now Hamas, with its support from Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq and other countries in Lebanon, challenges Israel and upsets the balance of power. The US military had to send aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean quickly to prevent the situation from getting out of control. At present, it seems that it will not end in a short time, and the military strength of the US military has been dispersed. This will reduce pressure on Russia.

    Next, North Korea may lose its mind and suddenly attack South Korea, and Russia will rekindle war on the four northern islands and drag Japan in. Northeast Asia has become a situation where North Korea versus South Korea and Russia versus Japan have emerged. This situation is the most dangerous because China will seize this opportunity to launch a war across the Taiwan Strait. At this time, neither Japan nor South Korea can join forces with the United States to protect Taiwan. This time point should be between November and April next year.

   In order to deal with the two-front operational risks brought to the United States by the Asia-Pacific crisis and the Middle East crisis, the United States will adopt a two-front operational model with Japan and South Korea. The south will form a combat hotspot with Taiwan, and the northwest will form a joint force with India. India will launch invasions on the borders of Xinjiang and Tibet to weaken China's power. In the south, we will form a joint force with Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries that have maritime disputes with China. In this way, Northeast Asia, northwest Asia, and the South China Sea will be completely sealed, leaving only Mongolia. By then, we may also reach a joint force relationship with the United States.

    At this time, China is fully mobilized and enters a state of war. Then the Third World War will begin, and the entire world will return to the twentieth century within a year or half a year.

    I hope the above will not happen. This is just a dangerous prediction and analysis based on geopolitical divisions, and I hope it is not accurate.


俄乌战争:第 591 天,2023 10 7 日星期六






   战略上应该分散欧美的力量来减轻俄罗斯的军事压力,怎么分散?很诡异在1017日,巴勒斯坦在次日突然大举进攻以色列,以色列是全球军事强国,中东霸主地位,几十年来发生了若干次巴以战争,巴勒斯坦与以色列在中东地区,为了民族宗教问题从来就没有停止过对抗。巴勒斯坦首脑哈马斯哪来的底气突然发动大规模袭击,导致以色列出现各种机制瘫痪,特别是情报、防空体系。防控体系“铁穹”在数倍于防御体系的火箭弹的覆盖下,“铁穹”拦截失灵。这种打法在中国解放战争中叫集中数倍于敌的兵力各个歼灭。           地中海沿岸,叙利亚巴沙尔、巴勒斯坦的哈马斯的起家都是一套路子被美国定性为恐怖组织并且实施制裁。现在哈马斯在黎巴嫩真主党、伊朗、伊拉克等国的支持挑战以色列,打破了力量平衡。美军不得不派出航空母舰迅速到达地中海域防止局势失控。目前看来不会短时间结束,对美军的军事力量进行了分散。有利的为俄罗斯减轻了压力。







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