202323 February peace and security,UN
202323 February peace and security
The eleventh emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution today by an overwhelming majority, it reiterates its demand for the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all its military forces from the territory within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and calls for the cessation of hostilities.
The draft resolution, entitled “Principles of the Charter of the United Nations Peace for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine”, was voted in favour by 141 member states, belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, Russia and Syria voted no, while China, India, Pakistan, Cuba and 32 other countries abstained.
The vote in favour was more than two thirds of the total and the resolution was therefore adopted.
This is the fourth time since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine that the General Assembly has passed a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine
The resolution“Stresses that one year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace will be a major contribution to the strengthening of international peace and security”.
To this end, the resolution urges member states and international organizations to redouble their support for diplomatic efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations; To reaffirm the commitment of the General Assembly to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters.
The resolution reiterates its demand for the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all military forces of the Russian Federation from the territory within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and calls for the cessation of hostilities.
It also called for the immediate cessation of attacks on critical infrastructure in Ukraine and any deliberate attacks on civilian objects, including homes, schools and hospitals.
In addition, the resolution“Stresses the need to ensure accountability for the most serious crimes under international law committed in the territory of Ukraine, and to ensure justice for all victims and the prevention of future crimes, through appropriate, impartial and independent investigations and prosecutions at the national or international level”
The eleven emergency special sessions of the General Assembly resumed on 22 February, with representatives of a total of 94 member states opening an open debate on the draft resolution and making explanatory statements before and after the vote.
Most representatives expressed concern about the humanitarian and human rights crisis facing Ukraine one year after the full-scale invasion and expressed concern that there was no clear prospect of an end to the crisis.
Delegates also reaffirmed their commitment to the Charter of the United Nations and international law and expressed their strong will to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine as soon as possible, in accordance with the principles of the charter.
Colonna, Lazio, the French Foreign Minister, who voted in favour, stressed in the public debate that the Russian war was of concern to all nations because if aggression was rewarded, there would be no peace and security. She also quoted French President Maqueron as saying at the General Debate of the general assembly last September that “Neutrality is not a possible option because it would be tantamount to an accomplice of the aggressor”.
In an explanation of Permanent Representative to the United Nations after the vote, Kamboi, who abstained, said the russian-ukrainian war was now complex and that regional conflicts were even intensifying. She therefore questioned whether a solution acceptable to both sides could be found for the time being. While affirming that the draft resolution seeks the goal of peace, Kamboi said that the resolution for the achievement of the goal of“Inherent deficiencies.”.
Two amendments were not adopted
Two amendments submitted by Belarus were also put to the vote on the same day. Among other things, the A/ES-11/L. 8 amendment seeks to delete the phrase“A year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine” and the General Assembly's renewed call for Russia to withdraw its forces, and proposed that the“Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine” to“Hostile acts in Ukraine.
In the A/ES-11/L. 9 amendment, belarus, for its part, wants to add“Urges member states to address the root causes of conflict in and around Ukraine, including the legitimate security concerns of member states” and“Also urges member states not to send weapons to conflict zones”.
The two amendments received only 11 and 15 votes, respectively, and neither passed.
Differences over the amendment
In an explanation of Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations before the vote, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations Barbara Barbara Woodward pointed out that the amendments sought to draw a false parallel between Russia and Ukraine; however, the former was the party designated by the General Assembly and the secretary-general of the United Nations as having launched a full-scale invasion, while the latter was exercising its right of self-defence against aggression. “In short, the amendments themselves are an attempt to undermine the charter,” she stressed
Dai Bing, the Chinese delegate who voted in favour of the AES-11.9 amendment and the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations's Chargé d'affaires, said: “All countries' legitimate security concerns should be taken seriously and all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of crises should be supported.”. He also noted that“The brutal facts fully prove that the transfer of arms will not bring peace, the arch of fuel will only increase the conflict between the parties, the extension of the expansion of the conflict will only make ordinary people pay a greater price.”
After the vote was taken that day, the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly was adjourned. The resolution also“Authorizes the President of the General Assembly to resume its session at the request of Member States.”
此外,决议“强调需要通过在国家或国际一级进行适当、公正、独立的调查和起诉,确保追究在乌克兰境内犯下的国际法上最严重罪行的责任,并确保为所有受害者伸张正义和防止今后发生罪行” 各方表达和平意愿
对此,英国常驻联合国代表吴百纳(Barbara Woodward)在表决前的解释性发言中指出,这两份修正案试图错误地将俄罗斯与乌克兰相提并论;然而,前者是被联大和联合国秘书长认定发动全面入侵的一方,而后者则是在行使自身反抗侵略的自卫权。她强调,“简而言之,这两份修正案本身就是破坏《宪章》的图谋。”

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