States Parties to the present covenant经济、社会和文化

TIME:2014-07-05 09:55 SOURCE:



States Parties to the present covenant,


whereas, in accordance with the principles laid down by the Charter of the United Nations, the human family, in affirming the inherent dignity of all human beings and their equal and inalienable rights, is the foundation of Freedom, Justice and peace in the world,


recognizing that such rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person,


recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of human rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying freedom from fear and want can only be achieved by creating an environment in which everyone can enjoy economic, social and cultural rights in addition to civil and political rights


In view of the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, which obligates states to promote universal respect for and observance of human rights and freedoms,


recognizing that it is the duty of the individual to promote and observe the rights recognized in the present covenant with respect to others and to the society to which he belongs,


the terms agreed upon are as follows:


Part I

Rule Number One:

I. All peoples have the right to self-determination, by virtue of which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.


2. All peoples may freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources for their own purposes, without prejudice to any obligations arising from international economic cooperation based on the principle of reciprocity and from international law. No matter what the circumstances, the livelihood of the nation can not be denied.


3. States Parties to the present covenant, including states administering non-self-governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right to self-determination and respect such right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.


Part 2

Rule Number Two

1. The States Parties to the present covenant undertake to take steps, within their means and means, individually and through international assistance and cooperation, in particular in the economic and technical fields, with a view to adopting by all appropriate means, including, in particular, legislative measures, progressive realization of the rights recognized in the present covenant.


2. The States Parties to the present covenant undertake to guarantee to everyone the exercise of the rights set forth in the present covenant, not discriminated against on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, upbringing, political opinions or other opinions, national origin or social class, property, birth or other status, etc. .


3. Developing Countries May, with due regard for human rights and the national economy, decide on the extent to which the enjoyment of economic rights recognized in the present covenant shall be guaranteed to non-nationals.


Article 3

States Parties to the present covenant undertake to ensure the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights set forth in the present covenant, on an equal footing with men and women.


Article 4

Recognizing that the enjoyment by a people of rights conferred by the state in conformity with the provisions of the present covenant shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law by the state, and provided that such limitations do not conflict with the nature of such rights, and the only purpose of restriction should be to promote the public welfare of a democratic society.


Article 5

1. Nothing in the present covenant shall be interpreted as implying for a state, a group or an individual the right to engage in activities or to perform acts that undermine any of the rights or freedoms recognized in the present covenant or that restrict such rights or freedoms to such an extent as to exceed the provisions of the present covenant.


2. No fundamental human rights recognized or existing in any state in accordance with law, conventions, regulations or customs may be restricted or exempted from obligations on the pretext that they are not recognized or recognized in the present covenant to a lesser extent.


Part 3

Article 6

1. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to work, including the right to the opportunity to earn a living by work which he or she freely chooses or accepts, and will take appropriate steps to guarantee it.


2. The steps to be taken by States Parties to the present covenant for the full realization of such rights shall include technical and vocational guidance and training programmes, policies and methods, with a view to guaranteeing the fundamental political and economic freedoms of the individual, to bring about steady economic, social and cultural development and full and productive employment.


Article 7

States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to just and favourable conditions of work, in particular by ensuring that:


(a) all workers shall be remunerated in such a way as to enable them to:


(a) to receive fair wages and equal pay for work of equal value, without distinction of any kind, and in particular to ensure that the working conditions of women shall not be inferior to those of men and shall be Equal Pay Day;


(II) to maintain a reasonable standard of living for himself and his family in conformity with the provisions of this covenant;


(b) safe and hygienic working environment;


(c) equal opportunity for all to rise to an appropriate higher rank in the occupation to which they are employed, subject to no other consideration than seniority;


Public holidays shall also be paid for rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours, and regular paid holidays.


Article 8

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure:


(E) everyone has the right to form trade unions and to join trade unions of his or her own choosing for the purpose of promoting and protecting his or her economic and social interests, subject only to the rules and regulations of the organizations concerned. The exercise of this right shall not be restricted except as provided by law and necessary for the protection of national security or public order in a democratic society, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;


Trade unions have the right to form national federations or confederations, which have the right to form or join international trade union organizations;


(c) trade unions shall have the right to freely exercise their functions and powers and shall not restrict the exercise of such rights except as provided by law and necessary for the maintenance of national security or public order in a democratic society, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;


(d) the right to strike, provided that it is exercised in conformity with the laws of the state.


2. This article does not prohibit the lawful restriction of the exercise of such rights by members of the military police or the executive branch.


3. States Parties to the 1948 convention of the International Labour Organization concerning freedom of association and Protection of the right to organize shall not take legislative measures or apply laws in accordance with this article to the detriment of the guarantees provided for in that convention.


Article 9

States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance.


Article 10

The States Parties to the present covenant confirm that:


1. The family, as the natural and fundamental unit of society, shall do its utmost to protect and assist, especially when it is established and when it is responsible for the care and education of dependent children. Marriage must be entered into with the free consent of the intending spouses.


2. The mother shall be given special protection during a certain period of time before and after childbirth. Working mothers are entitled to paid leave or leave with appropriate social security benefits during this period.


3. All Children and adolescents shall be protected and assisted by special measures and shall not be subjected to any discrimination on the grounds of birth or other relations. Children and young people should be protected from economic and social exploitation. The employment of children and adolescents in work that is harmful to their morals or health, life-threatening or likely to interfere with normal development is punishable by law. The State shall also set an age limit, and shall prohibit and punish any person who pays for the employment of underage child labour.


Article 11

1. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and shelter, and a constantly improving living environment. The state party will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of such rights, recognizing the importance of international cooperation based on free consent in this regard.


2. States Parties to the present covenant, recognizing the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, shall, individually and through international cooperation, take such measures as may be necessary, including specific programmes, for the following purposes:


(a) making full use of technical and scientific knowledge, disseminating knowledge of the principles of nutrition, and developing or reforming the land system to achieve the most efficient development and utilization of natural resources in order to improve methods of food production, storage and distribution;


(b) to take into account the problems of both the importing and exporting countries, and to ensure that the world’s food supply is distributed equitably in accordance with needs.


Article 12

1. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.


2. The steps taken by States Parties to the present covenant with a view to the full realization of such rights shall include such measures as may be necessary to:


(a) seek to reduce stillbirth and infant mortality rates and promote the healthy development of children;


(b) improvement of all aspects of environmental and industrial hygiene;


(III-RRB- prevention, treatment and eradication of infectious, endemic, occupational and other diseases;


(D) to create an environment that ensures access to medical services and medical care for all in the event of illness.


Article 13

1. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. The state party recognizes that education should aim at the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity and at enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The States Parties also recognized that education should enable all persons to participate in a free society and to contribute actively to it, that it should promote understanding, tolerance and friendly relations among peoples and groups of different races, races or religions, and that it should promote United Nations peace-keeping.


2. In the interest of the full realization of such rights, the States Parties to the present covenant recognize:


(a) primary education should be compulsory and free for all;


(B) all secondary education, including technical and vocational secondary education, shall be made available to all by all appropriate means, in particular by the gradual introduction of a free education system and by extension;


(c) higher education should, by all appropriate means and on the basis of capacity, and in particular, should progressively introduce a system of free education that provides equal access for all;


(D) basic education should be encouraged or intensified as far as possible for the benefit of persons who have not received primary education or have not completed it;


A sound system should be developed at all levels, an appropriate scholarship system should be established, and the material conditions of the educational personnel should be improved.


3. That states parties to the present covenant undertake to respect the right of parents or legal guardians to choose for their children non-public schools that meet the minimum standards of education established by the state or recognized by it, and to ensure the freedom of their children to receive religious and moral education in conformity with their own beliefs.


4. Nothing in this article shall be interpreted as interfering with the freedom of individuals or groups to establish and manage educational institutions, subject to the observance of the principles set forth in paragraph 1 of this article and to the observance of minimum standards established by the state for the education provided by such institutions.


Article 14

If, at the time of becoming a party to the present covenant, the States Parties to the present covenant have not yet been able to introduce compulsory primary education free of charge in their own territories or in other territories under their jurisdiction, they undertake to draw up a detailed plan of action within two years, if any, within a reasonable period of time as provided for in the plan, gradual implementation of the principle of universal free compulsory education.


Article 15

1. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone:


(I) participating in cultural life;


(b) to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and application;


(c) to enjoy the protection of the moral and material interests derived from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.


2. The steps to be taken by States Parties to the present covenant with a view to the full realization of such rights shall include such means as are necessary to preserve, promote and disseminate science and culture.


3. The States Parties to the present covenant undertake to respect the freedom indispensable to scientific research and creative activity.


4. The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the advantages of encouraging and developing international contacts and cooperation in the field of science and culture.


Part 4

Article 16

1. Each state party to the present covenant undertakes to submit reports under this part of the Covenant on the measures it has taken and the progress made in promoting compliance with the rights recognized in the present covenant.


(a) all reports shall be submitted to the secretary-general of the United Nations, who shall send a copy to the economic and Social Council for consideration in accordance with the provisions of the present covenant;


(B) if a state party to the present Covenant is also a member of a specialized agency and the matters covered by its report or any part thereof fall within its responsibility under the Organic Law of that specialized agency, the secretary-general of the United Nations shall also transmit a copy of the report or any relevant part thereof to the respective specialized agency.


Article 17

1. States Parties to the present Covenant shall submit periodic reports in accordance with the procedure established by the economic and Social Council in consultation with the States Parties and the relevant specialized agencies within one year of the entry into force of the present covenant.


2. The report may state the factors or difficulties which have affected the extent to which the fulfilment of the obligations set forth in the present covenant has been affected.


3. If the information in question has been submitted to the United Nations or any specialized agency by a state party to the present covenant for the record, that state may specify only where the information has been found and not resubmit it.


Article 18

The economic and Social Council, in accordance with its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations with regard to human rights and fundamental freedoms, may agree with the specialized agencies on the progress made by them in promoting compliance with the provisions of the present covenant which are within their competence, report to the council. Such report may also contain detailed information on the resolutions and recommendations adopted by the competent bodies of those organs for the implementation of the provisions of the present covenant.


Article 19

The Economic and Social Council may refer reports submitted by states under Articles 16 and 17 and by the specialized agencies under Article 18 to the Commission on Human Rights for consideration and general recommendation, or as appropriate for their reference.


Article 20

The States Parties to the present covenant and the specialized agencies concerned may refer to any general recommendation referred to in Article 19, or to any report of the Commission on human rights or to any document referred to therein, with regard to such general recommendation, to the economic and Social Council.


Article twenty-one

The economic and Social Council may at any time submit a report to the General Assembly, together with recommendations of a general nature, and a summary of information received from States Parties to the present covenant and the specialized agencies on measures taken and progress achieved in promoting universal observance of the rights recognized in the present covenant.


Article twenty-two

The Economic and Social Council may refer any matter contained in the reports of this part of the Covenant to the subsidiary organs and specialized agencies of other organs of the United Nations providing technical assistance in their respective fields of competence, the advisability of deciding on international measures which may contribute to the effective progressive implementation of the present covenant is brought to the attention of that body.


Article twenty-three

The States Parties to the present covenant agree that international action to realize the rights recognized in the present covenant, there may be methods of concluding conventions, adopting recommendations, providing technical assistance and conducting consultative studies through regional and technical meetings in conjunction with the governments of the countries concerned.


Article twenty-four

The present covenant shall be interpreted without prejudice to the provisions of the Organic Law of the Charter of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies establishing the respective responsibilities of the organs of the United Nations and the specialized agencies in respect of the matters dealt with in the present covenant.


Article twenty-five

The present covenant shall be interpreted without prejudice to the inherent right of all peoples to enjoy fully and freely and to utilize their natural wealth and resources.


Part 5

Article twenty-six

1. The present covenant is to be signed by the States members of the Member State of the United Nations or its specialized agencies, the States Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice and any other state which is a party to the present covenant at the invitation of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


2. This covenant shall be subject to ratification. The instrument of ratification shall be deposited with the secretary-general of the United Nations.


3. The present covenant is open to accession by any state referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.


4. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the secretary-general of the United Nations.


5. The secretary-general of the United Nations shall notify all states that have signed or acceded to the present covenant of the deposit of each instrument of ratification or accession.


Article twenty-seven

1. The present Covenant shall enter into force three months after the date of deposit with the secretary-general of the United Nations of the thirty-five instruments of ratification or accession.


2. For a state ratifying the present covenant or acceding to it after the deposit of thirty-five instruments of ratification or accession, the present covenant shall enter into force three months after the date of the deposit by that state of its instrument of ratification or accession.









































































































































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